How to speed up Windows 10? It’s not difficult to make Windows 10 faster. Here are a few ways to improve the speed and performance of Windows 10.
This article will be useful for those who often use a computer. After all, any device tends to deteriorate if it is not properly cared for. So let’s get started!
The Main Directions for Speeding up Windows 10
There are three main categories for optimizing Windows 10 performance:
- Operating System Settings;
- Software improvements;
- Replacing or deleting applications.
Although hardware upgrades also work, for example, buying more RAM or installing an SSD drive, they cost money, so we’ll skip them. Let’s start with the most effective ways to speed up Windows 10.
Windows 10 Operating System Speed Settings
- Turn on the Game Mode
The latest version of Windows 10, Creators Update, adds a new feature known as a Game mode. Unfortunately, it is not possible to work in game mode all the time, but you can activate it by pressing the Windows + G key. However, you must first enable the game mode. By enabling the game mod, do not forget to visit the best casino bonus and get a lot of fun!
To enable Game mode (it is only available in Windows 10 Creators Update), open Settings > Games and select Game Mode. Click on the toggle switch under the game mode.
It is supposed to be used only for games, but you can activate it whenever you need to speed up a bit. This is especially useful if you have a lot of background applications that slow down the work of a resource-intensive program.
Unfortunately, the game mode increases the performance of games by only a few percent.
Despite this, some of you will feel a bigger performance boost than others. A reduced number of background applications can improve performance where no other techniques will help. Theoretically, the game mode can function in any application that uses GPU acceleration. If you want to try this in Adobe Premiere, then give it a try.
- Turn Off Visual Effects
If you need a computer for the most part for work, for making money, then the speed and performance of the computer are important to you, not the beauty of the effects. In this case, they can be disabled. With various kinds of shadows, animated effects, and smooth scrolling, there is no special need for this. The speed of the computer is more important. Let’s disable them (or some of them). To disable visual effects, we will do the following:
- We enter the “Control Panel” by entering this phrase in the Windows search and clicking on the received file;
- Select “Large icons” and the “System” link;
- In the new window, we need to select the “Advanced System Parameters” tab by scrolling the slider down;
- Under the “Speed” command, select the “Parameters” button;
- We get to the “Visual Effects” menu. After that, we carefully look through each effect and remove the check mark over the effect that we do not need, one by one. Then, click the “Apply” button;
- Also, you can remove all these effects by simply putting a checkbox over the command “Ensure the best performance”;
- If you don’t like the new look of the Desktop, or the disappeared effect (and this happens often), just put it back in place, or put a checkbox over the “Restore default value” command.
Disabling visual effects disabled on multiple systems has a big impact, especially on older computers. On the other hand, everything will not look as beautiful as before. I recommend leaving the Smoothing of screen font irregularities enabled, as it helps when reading text.
In general, turn off each of the checkboxes in turn and see if you like the system without this effect, or not. Because if you disable all the effects completely, your system will look like Windows 95.
- Speed up the Processor
Windows has three default settings to increase the frequency of your processor. The three default values are Balanced, High Performance, and Energy Saving. Sometimes manufacturers also include custom plans here.
On a laptop, it’s almost always better to use balanced or energy-saving plans, but high performance can make Windows faster by trading battery life for power. Since it consumes the most energy, it is also more suitable for desktop computers.
You can change your settings by going to the power options on the control panel.
- Disable Autorun Programs
When you install a program, it sometimes tries to run silently in the background. This is normal for only a few programs (mostly system programs), but the impact on performance increases. With a sufficient number of running programs with automatic startup, the whole system freezes.
Getting rid of unnecessary startup software is essential to improve performance. Fortunately, Windows makes it easy to remove most autoruns.